Monday 6 August 2012


Hey guys so this is going to be really short....SORRY:(! but i just got a new camera!! :D so i am trying to get used to it so i wanted to get good pictures so! loveyas! speak to you tomorrow:)!! <3

Sunday 5 August 2012


Omg guys! :O! i just noticed i have ......3 New Views on my blog !:D You's will be like that's nothing but it's loads to me being new and everthang' ;)! Look out for a blog post tonight maybe! And better quality photo's :D Thanks so much if you viewed my blog honestly it means the world to me! loveyaa's<3!

Barry M Nail Paint Review!

 This is in the Colour 'Cyan Blue'!

Okay so for me when I paint my nails I am really impatient when I have to put several coats of colour on my nails, I just get bored! But when I use 'Barry M Nail Paints' I only have to use one coat! Barry M nail paints come in a wide range of colours from pink to blue to crackle nail paints to magnetic! I honestly 'Love' them! I prefer them to Deborah  Lippmann nail polishes! The quality is just so much better!

When I am painting my nails with Barry M I always use 'Sally Hansen Natural Nail Growth Revitalizer' It leaves a nice sheen on your nails! I would recommend  that you use this when painting your nails as it helps your nails grow and the polish doesn't chip!

The RRP for Barry M Nail Paints in Super-drug i£2.99 per 10ml. There is a deal on right now online you can get 2 for £5! 

Thanks for reading! 

Saturday 4 August 2012


Hey there fellow bloggers! So I have been thinking what should my first review be... so i thought why don't i ask you! So no one really follows my blog so that would be a fail!! (haha) but if you have any requests please comment below and i will do a review later on today or when i get the first or so comments. 

Thanks For reading!<3! loveya's!